Sunday, August 22, 2010

Their Eyes Were Watching God- Pheoby Watson

Pheoby Watson in Their Eyes Were Watching God was a big character while Janie lived in Eatonville. Janie called Pheoby her best friend, and she really was. Janie did not know of Pheoby until she moved to Eatonville, where they became best friends. Pheoby was a nice lady, and she was married to Sam Watson. They lived in the town together before Joe and Janie got there. Pheoby always helped Janie out when she had a problem or needed help. They would always get together, and they would talk each other through their problems. For instance, there was a time when all of the town's people were talking very badly about Janie, so she went and talked to Pheoby about it. Pheoby made her feel better, and told her that she did not have to worry about it. I did not think they were always the greatest friends, because you did not seem to hear a lot about Pheoby. In chapter nine though, Pheoby and Janie did not really agree. This was right after Joe Starks had passed away. Janie was very upset about Joe's death, but after six months she thought it was ok to wear white again. She knew herself that she would never forget Joe, and she remembered how bad he treated her towards the end. She thought it was ok to wear white, but all of the townspeople thought she was just forgetting Joe, and was ready to have new men in her life. Pheoby thought that too, and when she talked to Janie she said how the townspeople would probably think that she was not sad. Janie did not really care what anyone had to say though. Janie told Pheoby "I do not care what the town thinks because I should not pretend to be sad if I am really not." I do not think Pheoby was that great of a friend, because she was not very understanding. Janie would have been sad without her though, because she needed a woman in her life like Pheoby.

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