Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Grapes of Wrath- Lucky Tom

Tom was not the nicest guy in the world, I mean he had commited homicide. He went to McAlester State Penitentiary for it. He was lucky that he only had to serve four years of his seven year sentence. He was a very well behaved prisoner, and they let him go with three years still left to go. He was very lucky for getting that, because not many prisoners are allowed to get away with that. He was very thankful for it though. I could not really believe that, I thought it was kind of crazy that they let a guy who commited homicide out in four years. A lot has changed since then. Tom also got lucky on his hitchhike home from the state penitentiary. He stopped by a diner on his way home, and sits on a truck running board, to get his shoes all ajusted for his lon journey ahead of him. The driver comes out, and he asks for a ride. Tom gives him a guilt trip, and he finally convinves the man to give him a ride. This is another example of his luck, because not many people would give rides, and they would even have signs on their cars. Tom was just a likable guy in my eyes, and I think it was hard for people to turn him down. He then got a ride all the way to the road his family lived on, where he got off. Tom was a good guy, but sometimes I think he needed a little less luck because of all the things he had done in his life. He later towards the end of the book got lucky again because Casy turned himself into authorites instead of Tom. Tom always had a lot of luck, but I do not know if that was really a good or a bad thing with Tom. Sometimes, even though he was going through a really ruff time, he needed to get in a little more trouble.

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