Monday, November 29, 2010

The Minister's Black Veil

I read The Minister's Black Veil in our literature book tonight, and I found it rather interesting. I think that I could find a lot of exampls in this story that were similar to that of dark romanticism. I think that there are really a couple of points that stuck out the most to me from this story.

I think that dark romanticism has a lot to do with human nature, and how we are naturally all evil. The Minister's Black Veil has a lot to do with human nature and the evil things we do and assume. The minister in this town was very well known from what I could tell, and the way that this story put it, it kind of seemed that the minister and the church were kind of a big thing around there. The main part of this story is when the minister arrives, and all of the people are so shocked because he is wearing this black thing on his face that covers everything but his chin and his mouth. They did not really know what to think of this black veil, and everyone was really quick to judge him on it. I think that they were a little too quick to judge in my eyes. I know that it would be weird to see that, but I also know that I would want to know what it was and what it meant before I just went and judged him. I think is just showing us how human nature can be so naturally evil. We are all so quick to judge. I think this is where I saw the most similarity to dark romanticism. What we see when we study dark romanticism the most is how they are very big believers in that human nature is so evil at times.

I think that the big point in The Minister's Black Veil is that we all have things to hide. We all have sins that we do not want others to know of. Just like we wrote in our blogs, we all where masks sometimes to cover up our wrong doings or sins. We might not literally wear one like the minister did, but we do put up walls. I think that we all make mistakes, and we all have to live with them. I think the minister was just wearing his veil to make a point. In my eyes, he was showing that he sins and a lot and so do others. I think that he was just wearing it on his face to get a point across to others. Another thing that the minister was trying to do in my eyes, was that he wore that mask to test the people of his congregation. I do not think that the story came right out and say that, but I could tell from reading it. He wanted to see if people would judge him or not, and they did. They immediatly judged him and thought of their own reasonings.

I think that this was a good story, and we could learn a lot from it. I think that we should not be so quick to judge, because everyone makes mistakes.

1 comment:

  1. I thought you were very insightful and had several good points about the minister. Very interesting ideas.
