People wear masks all of the time. We get in situations that we do not want to be in sometimes, and we get very uncomfortable and we do not always know what to do. We just try to put on masks so that people will not notice us in certain situations. We think that if we just sit there and not do much that no- one will know who we are or even notice that we are there.
I think that we put masks on a lot in school. We have kids that think that they are not in the "in" crowd, so they just put up walls and put on masks, so that people will not notice that they are there. I think these masks are ones that the kids will just try and not be very active with in the school, and will just go from class to class without being notice. I think some times we put on masks when they are not needed. I think that popularity is not a big deal. I think that people think that because they may not be in the in crowd that they never will be. I think that people should know that they should take off their masks every once in awhile and know that we will talk to anyone.
I think another time that people put on their masks is when they are at church. I think that we think that we may not be good enough, or we "sinned" too much this week. I think that people will try to hide themselves, because they think that they might not be seen, or people will not notice them. Sometimes, when people go to church they do not want to talk to many people in fear that they will have to talk to people and they might notice that they were not a good or something. I think that people think that they will not be as good as others.
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