Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Journal #10- Science vs. Religion
Science verse religion has always been a topic to people. The topic is usually always a fight too, because most people do not agree on the things between science and religion. Every person really has a different opinion when it comes to those two subjects. The big arguments, or discussions, that go on between science and religion are usually evolution and the beginning of the world. These two examples have always been an issue, and they are issues that some people think will never be solved. I think that they are already solved, because I am on the religion side. I know that God started this world, and there is no other reason to think that he did not if you read the Bible. Other people that are on the scientist side though, think other things and would like to tell you that there is no way that my idea is right. They just think that everything just somehow popped out one day. They think that some particle of dust that was in the space just turned into the earth one day. We know that as the "Big Bang Theory." I do not believe in this theory, and I really think that it sounds pretty silly, but some people really believe in it. I just have a lot of faith in God, and in the Bible, and so that is my proof that he started the Earth. He was the creator. I know that everyone has their different opinions, but I am a Christian, so there for I know the creator. I have a lot of faith, which makes me reject the other thoughts that people believe in from science, and I am okay with that. I think that scientists should not be so certain on their answers, because God is who invented science and he is the one that put these scientists on the Earth. I probably she be a little more listening to the other sides, but once you believe in something, it is hard to believe something else. I am sure scientist say the same things about us though.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Puritan Exam
The Puritan writing period, was one that has affected us forever. Even though their writings were pretty plain and simple, they still got their point across. We still learn about all they did today, and it is really inspiring to most of us to see how they were then.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Journal #9- Organized Religion
When I saw what the topic was for this journal, I did not really know what he was talking about. I had never really heard of organized religion. Then, I got to thinking about it, and realized that maybe I did know a little about organized religions. Organized religion in my eyes are the religions like Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, and other religions like that. When you look up the definition of organized religion, it really kind of confuses you. In my eyes, I just think it says organized because it is an actual religion that people believed in, and also a religion that believes in God. I do not think that religions that worship something other than God would be known as an organized religion. I am a Southern Baptist, and I know what I believe in and most of the things that you do as Southern Baptist, but when it comes to other religions, I really have no idea what I am saying or talking about. I do not know much about Catholics or any other religion like that. I just have not learned much about them. I do know that we all believe in God, but we do differ any many ways too. I know that we all have different ways in believing how we get to heaven. I do not know much after that though. I am not necessarily against those different religions, they just believe in something different than what I believe in. I do not really know what organized religion really means, but I blogged what I thought that it means to me. When I think of organized writings that is what I think of. I am sure that every one else probably was totatlly different than me though. I do like discussing religions though, because I am a strong believer in God, and I like to share with people what my beliefs are. I just know that some people do not think the right things.
Journal #8- Why Proof Reading is Important
Proof reading is a really important thing when it comes to writings. It is something that you must always do, and if you do not you will really suffer the consequences. You even have to proof read little things like blogs or reflections, because you could really mess up and say something that you did not mean. The reason that you have to proof read, is because you could type it one way, but then when you go to read it is does not mean the same thing. In the funny video that we watched during class, they did not proof read at all, and they really should have. He would keep saying things that he did not mean, because he did not read over it before he decided to share it with a bunch of people. He really made himself look bad, at least it was not something that was meant to be really important. It happens a lot these days, that people will go to give a speech and they do not read over it much before they give it, and then they just say it all wrong. That really makes them look not very proffesional, and all they would have had to have done was read over it, and it would have saved them some embarrassment. It also kind of has something to do with copywriting, because people will steal ideas and try to make them their own, and when they do that they do not read over it, and when they go to say it they say it all exactly the same and it really does not make them look good. Things like that really get people in trouble, and it happens every day. The video was kind of funny to me, but then you think about it and realize what it really means. People do not proof read, and sometimes people have to get really embarrassed to learn that they have to do things the right way next time. Then when they go to do it next time the make sure that they proofread.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Journal #7- Supersitions
I do not really think that I believe in any superstitions. I am not big on witchcraft, ghosts, or anything like that. I tend to think of those kinds of things when I think of superstitions. I do not believe in the superstition of Friday the thirteenth, but it is a big one that I can think of. A lot of people think that if the thirteenth of the month lands on a Friday, then it is probably not going to be a good day. They think that it is really bad luck, and everything is probably going to be wrong. They start to think about it too much, and every little thing that might go wrong on that day, they think it is because of Friday the thirteenth. They do not realize, that all of the "bad" things that happened that day, would have happened that day anyways even if it was not a Friday or the thirteenth. I do not believe in things like this, because I believe in God, and he does not say or talk about believing in superstitions in the bible. I do not like superstitions, because people take it too far, and half the time they do not really know what they are talking about. People also believe in superstitions because someone tells them to, and they just believe in it. I hate when people do that, because they do not even know what they are believing in, they just know that someone told them to believe in it. I am not against people that believe in superstitions though, because I do not turn down other beliefs, or look down on other people that have different beliefs. I just wish people knew how things really were, and did not believe in things that do not make since. Friday the thirteenth is really not anything but another day. It is not a day that is going to be bad, or a day that is going to give everyone bad luck, it is just a regular day.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Journal #6- Blaming Someone
I do not like when people blame someone, and they do not even know if they did it or not. Some people just like to blame people, so they look good, and they do not have to deal with the trouble. Also, people like to blame other people because they could get some kind of reward for it. I think that there are some times that people really do need to be told on or blamed, but there are also times when people should just shut their mouths. I think that everyone should think before they blame someone. They first need to think about if it is worth blaming that person on, and then they should put their selves in the other person's position and see if they would like to be told on. I do not like to blame people a lot, because if it came down to it for me, I would not want someone to blame me for something I did not do. The scary thing about blaming sometimes, is you really have to know the story and all the details. You do not want to blame someone for something they did not do, and you also want to make sure you know the story because you have to have the same story as everybody else. You do not want to blame the wrong person, because it could back fire and all come back to you. If you were to blame the wrong person and it ended up not really being that person, then they would come back to you and question you. They would end up either blaming you because they think you just blamed that person as a cover up, or they will just blame you because they are mad that you gave out false information. so it is really not good to blame others, unless you know the facts and they need to be in trouble. I do not mind blaming if they really deserve it.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Journal #5- 21st Century Punishments
There are a lot of things that would devastate kids in the twenty- first century if they got them taking away. Facebook, cellphones, internet, online games, and also game sets such as Xbox and Play Stations are examples of things that a kid would not want taking away. Parents usually know that taking things like that away is really a way to get their points across. When parents take away those things, it does not take very long for the kid to start acting good and being sorry for what he does. I think fair punishments are different for each thing. I think a cellphone really only needs to be taken away for a day to get the point across to the child. I know for me, a day without a phone really does suck. Also, if you are over sixteen you need to have a phone in case something were to happen while you were driving. I think that the online games and game sets need to be taken away for longer periods like a week. You do not need those to survive so they are really just a privilege like anything else. Facebook or really anything on the internet can be taking away for awhile too. Also, depending on how bad the kid was behaving determines how long they needed to be grounded forr. If it really was not anything that big, then give them a little punishment and ground them for a couple of days, but if it was something big, than that is when a parent could ground them for a longer amount of time. Some kids also take punishment different, and two days really could make an impact on them. Other kids though, need a harsher punishment because they have to have more punishment to get the point across. It really just depends on the kind of kid he or she is, and what kind of things they do that gets them in trouble. It also depends on the type of parent they are, and how they parent their kids, because everybody does it differently.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Journal #4- Traveling
I really like to travel. I like being with my family, and going to new and different places. I have always thought it was cool to see new things, and to also see the things that not many people get to see. I do not care if I drive or fly. Flying is faster and simpler, but you do not get the experiences that you do when you drive. When you drive, you get to see all of the things along the way and you get to see all of the great things that this world has to offer. I usually fly everywhere, but I have drove to Florida twice. I have flown to places like Oregon and California, because I have family there. I enjoy going to different states and traveling there. I always remember all of the different vacations that I have been on. Those kinds of things affect you forever. Some people do not like traveling, and sometimes traveling can really affect some people. I have never been that way, I really like to travel and go to different places. Whenever we drove to Florida this summer, it had it's ups and downs, but over all it was a really great trip. The drive down there was fun. I like going through the states like Tennessee and Alabama and seeing all of the landmarks they have there. It gets boring sometimes and it is a really long ride, but I just sleep and try to make the time pass a little faster. I also even go to drive on the way to Florida, which was pretty awesome. I think it is fun to drive, especially in different states because it is all so different. I will always remember that. Traveling has always been something that I enjoy, and look forward to every year.I love traveling, and I am so glad that I am able to, because not everyone is able to go on vacations and travel.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Journal #3- Held Hostage
Hostage is a scary word to me. I do not like to hear this word, and most of the time it really scares me. I have always been scared of things like that. I would not like someone to take me away from what is comfortable to me. I would also not like if they took me, and I had to do everything they wanted me to do. I would not want to listen to the person that is trying to hold me hostage. If I was held hostage, I am not quite sure what I would actually do. I think I would do one thing, but I know once I was in the situation of being held hostage I would not do those same things. I would like to think that I would listen to the person that was holding me hostage, because I would end up having a better chance if I tried to make that person happy. If they told me to do something, I would probably do it. If I did not do it, I would just be in more trouble and they would hate me more. I would also hope that I could stay calm during the whole situation. If I was to act calm, I would not be as targeted, because freaking out would probably get on their nerves. I feel like if I actually went through this situation, I would probably be freaking out the whole time. I would probably cry and scream, and get annoying after awhile. I do not think I would last very long at all. I really hope I am not ever held hostage, because not only would that freak me out for the time, but I would always be freaked out and messed up the rest of my life. If I was to be in a situation like this though, I would hope that it was one that did not last very long, and I would later be able to return to my home.
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